Basic Web Scrapper

Software Engineering

Cisco ISE

Basic Web Scraper


This project is a simple web scraper that extracts information from websites. It fetches and parses HTML content to extract data such as article titles, links, paragraphs, and images.


  • Python
  • BeautifulSoup4
  • aiohttp


Before running the scraper, you need to install the required Python libraries. You can install them using pip:
pip install beautifulsoup4 aiohttp


To use the scraper, follow these steps:
1. Run the script using Python.
2. When prompted, enter the website URL you want to scrape.
3. Next, enter the type of information you want to extract. Options include:

  • `titles` for extracting titles (found in `<h2>` tags).
  • `links` for extracting all hyperlinks.
  • `paragraphs` for extracting text from paragraph tags.
  • `images` for extracting image URLs.

The scraper will fetch data from the provided URL and output it to the terminal. Additionally, it will save the data in a file named `scraped_data.json` in the same directory as the script.

Terminal Output
JSON Example


  • Asynchronous HTTP requests for efficient web scraping.
  • User input for URL and data type to extract.
  • Error handling for invalid URLs or unexpected website structures.
  • Supports basic pagination for websites with multiple pages.
  • Extracted data is printed to the console and saved as a JSON file.


You can customize the script for different websites by modifying the `extract_info` function. Adjust the range in the pagination section of the `main` function as needed for different websites.


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