Application of AI Computer Vision Technology in Emergency Healthcare Services

March 4, 2023

DevOps Engineer


Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology advancement, particularly in computer vision, has significantly impacted the healthcare industry. The technology has been applied in various aspects of healthcare, including disease diagnosis, drug discovery, medical image analysis, and patient monitoring. This report explores the current state of AI computer vision technology and its potential application in emergency healthcare services. Specifically, this report focuses on how AI computer vision technology can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency healthcare services. This report provides an overview of the current state of AI computer vision technology in healthcare, including medical imaging, disease diagnosis, drug discovery, and patient monitoring. It then highlights the literature on computer vision and AI technologies in healthcare, particularly in medical imaging and patient monitoring. The paper concludes with a vignette approach that illustrates how AI computer vision technology can be used in emergency healthcare services to provide accurate and timely diagnoses, monitor patients' vital signs, and improve the quality of care. The findings suggest that integrating AI computer vision technology in emergency healthcare services can significantly improve the delivery of emergency healthcare services.

Vignette | Emergency Health Sensors and 3D Navigation

Muddy has arrived back home and is cleared for entry by the home defense system. As he walks into the kitchen, RFID tags allow for stock levels and use-by dates to be proactively monitored by the cloud kitchen IoT assistant. 

Just as Dr. Brown passes the last bag of oranges from Muddy to her robot assistant to put away she receives an augmented reality notification that a baby cot in the neighborhood has detected an arrhythmia in its baby’s heart. Dr. Brown runs out of the front door looking over the baby’s vital signs as her peripheral vision keeps track of the sidewalk’s flashing emergency alert lights, guiding her to the address of the unfolding emergency. 

Several drones are dispatched from the hyper-local clinic and arrive with the appropriate equipment for infant resuscitation, alongside appropriately diluted adrenalin and fluid preparations for just such an occasion. A local community self-driving car has repurposed itself to serve as an ambulance, tracks Dr. Brown, and picks her to drive the last 1000 yards to the address at bullet train speed with all other vehicular traffic paused for a couple of seconds to allow them to pass safely with ease. 

The concerned parents are just starting to grasp the gravity of the situation, and as panic is about to set in, they are relieved as Dr. Brown and the equipment drones enter the room to save their baby’s life. 


AI technology has brought about significant changes to many areas of contemporary life. Computer Vision, a subfield of AI, is the area that deals with teaching machines to interpret and understand images and videos and has undergone significant developments in recent years. Computer Vision technologies have practical applications in healthcare, including disease diagnosis, medical image analysis, and emergency healthcare services. This paper explores the current state of AI computer vision technology and how it can be applied in emergency healthcare services. Specifically, the report focuses on how AI computer vision technology can create a reality where emergency healthcare services are delivered efficiently and effectively, as illustrated in the vignette chosen.

Current State of AI Computer Vision Technology in Healthcare

AI computer vision technology is a rapidly evolving field with numerous applications in healthcare. Computer vision is the field of AI that deals with interpreting visual data, such as images and videos. Computer vision has found multiple uses in healthcare, such as medical imaging, disease identification, drug exploration, and patient tracking.

Medical Imaging

Medical imaging is one of the most significant applications of AI computer vision technology in healthcare. Medical imaging involves using different imaging techniques like X-rays, CT/MRI scans, and ultrasounds to generate images of the internal parts of the human body. AI computer vision technology can analyze and interpret medical images for accurate and timely diagnoses.


For example, in the study by Esteva et al. (2017), a deep learning algorithm was developed to diagnose skin cancer from images of skin lesions. The algorithm was trained using a dataset of over 130,000 images of skin lesions and achieved a diagnostic accuracy of 91%. Similarly, in the study by Gulshan et al. (2016), a deep-learning algorithm was developed to diagnose diabetic retinopathy from retinal images. The algorithm was trained using a dataset of over 120,000 retinal images and achieved a diagnostic accuracy of 90%.

Disease Diagnosis

AI computer vision technology can also be used for disease diagnosis. Besides medical imaging, AI computer vision can examine and interpret various forms of data, such as electrocardiograms (ECGs), to detect illnesses.

For example, in the study by Hannun et al. (2019), a deep learning algorithm was developed to diagnose cardiac arrhythmia from ECG data. The algorithm was trained using a dataset of over 500,000 ECGs and achieved a diagnostic accuracy of 99.3%. Likewise, as reported in the research conducted by Avila et al. (2021), a deep learning algorithm was developed to diagnose COVID-19 from chest X-rays. The algorithm was trained using a dataset of over 15,000 chest X-rays and achieved a diagnostic accuracy of 92%.

The precision and efficiency of cancer detection via medical images, such as mammograms and CT/MRI scans, have been enhanced with the help of AI and machine learning algorithms.(Gordillo et al., 2018).

The article"Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cancer Imaging" highlights the potential of AI and ML in enhancing the precision and speed of disease diagnosis C. Chambers et al. (2022). In cancer imaging, AI and ML can aid in the detection, classification, and treatment planning of various types of cancer.

For instance, a study by Ardila et al. (2019) showed that a deep learning algorithm could accurately detect breast cancer in mammography images with an area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.94. Similarly, Li et al. (2018) found that a deep neural network can accurately classify lung nodules on computed tomography (CT) scans as benign or malignant, with an area under the ROC curve of 0.94.

A, Average receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of all readers when unassisted (yellow) and assisted with artificial intelligence (AI) (dark green) and ROC curve of the AI system as stand-alone (dashed black). ROC curves are averaged using linear interpolation between sampled points of each curve (the area under the ROC curve [AUC] of the average ROC curve is similar to the average area under the curve of all readers [difference of 1 × 10−3]). B, ROC curve of the AI as a stand-alone system for soft-tissue lesions (yellow) and calcifications (red).

Moreover, AI and ML can assist in diagnosing and classifying brain tumors. A study by Chang et al. (2018) used a convolutional neural network (CNN) to predict the molecular subtype of glioma based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images, achieving an accuracy of 83.3%. In another study, Jing et al. (2019) developed a deep learning model that can accurately predict the survival of glioblastoma patients based on MRI images, achieving an area under the ROC curve of 0.89.

Furthermore, AI and ML can aid in detecting and diagnosing skin cancer. A study by Esteva et al. (2017) developed a deep learning algorithm that can accurately classify skin lesions as benign or malignant, with an accuracy of 91%. In addition, Tschandl et al. (2018) developed a CNN-based algorithm that can accurately classify skin lesions into different types, achieving an accuracy of 90.3%.

Clinical sample images of skin cancer: (a) malignant melanoma, (b) squamous cell carcinoma, and (c) basal cell carcinoma.

Overall, these studies demonstrate the potential of AI and ML in improving disease diagnoses, particularly in cancer imaging. Nonetheless, more research is required to confirm these results and maximize the utilization of AI and ML in clinical environments.

Looking at the paper, we see mention of multiple studies showing the benefits of AI Computer Vision technology when it comes to medical diagnosis.

Drug Discovery

AI computer vision technology can also be used for drug discovery. Drug discovery is identifying and developing new drugs to treat diseases. AI computer vision technology can analyze and interpret data from various sources, such as chemical structures and gene expressions, to identify potential drug targets and candidates.

For example, in the study by Gao et al. (2021), a deep learning algorithm was developed to predict the binding affinity between proteins and small molecules. The algorithm was trained using a dataset of over 9 million protein-ligand complexes and achieved a prediction accuracy of 87%. Similarly, in the study by Popova et al. (2021), a deep learning algorithm was developed to predict drug toxicity using gene expression data. The algorithm was trained using a dataset of over 10,000 compounds and achieved a prediction accuracy of 87%.

Patient Monitoring

AI computer vision technology can also be used for patient monitoring. The process of patient monitoring entails the continuous observation of a patient's vital signs to identify and react to changes in their health status.

For example, a deep learning algorithm was developed in the Verma et al. (2018) study to detect and predict hypotensive events in ICU patients. The algorithm was trained using a dataset of over 4,000 patient records and achieved a sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of

Literature Review

AI and computer vision technologies have advanced significantly recently, providing new opportunities to improve healthcare outcomes. In particular, computer vision has been used in various applications, such as medical imaging, monitoring patient movements and activities, and analyzing vital signs. This section reviews the literature on computer vision and AI technologies in healthcare.

A publication of note, "Application of Artificial Intelligence to the Monitoring of Medication Adherence for Tuberculosis Treatment in Africa: Algorithm Development and Validation,” describes the development and validation of a deep learning algorithm for monitoring medication adherence in patients with tuberculosis in limited-resource settings in Africa. The algorithm was trained on a dataset of 497 video images using a deep learning framework with four convolutional neural network models. The models' diagnostic capabilities were assessed based on sensitivity, specificity, F1-score, and precision, while their discriminative performance was evaluated using the area under the curve (AUC). The results showed that all four deep learning models had moderate to high diagnostic properties and discriminative performance, with the 3D ResNet model performing the best in precision, AUC, and speed. The study demonstrates the potential of AI to transform healthcare delivery even in resource-limited settings. (Sekandi et al., 2023)

Receiver operator curves for monitoring the medication adherence from models in our framework. AUC: area under the curve; HOG: histogram of oriented gradient.

One area where AI and computer vision technologies have been applied in medical imaging. For example, a study by Esteva et al. (2019) showed that an AI system could detect skin cancer with a performance that was on par with dermatologists. Similarly, a study by Wang et al. (2020) demonstrated that an AI system could accurately diagnose breast cancer from mammograms. In both cases, the AI system could analyze images and detect patterns indicative of cancer. These outcomes indicate that AI and computer vision technologies can potentially increase diagnostic precision and decrease the workload of healthcare providers.

Another area where computer vision and AI technologies have been applied is monitoring patient movements and activities. For example, a study by Wang et al. (2019) used a computer vision system to monitor patients' movements in a hospital ward. The system could detect when patients were getting out of bed and alert healthcare professionals if a patient was at risk of falling. Similarly, a study by Li et al. (2020) used a computer vision system to monitor the movements of patients undergoing rehabilitation. The design provided feedback to patients and healthcare professionals, helping improve the quality of care.

Finally, computer vision and AI technologies have also been used to analyze vital signs. For example, a study by Chiong et al. (2020) used a computer vision system to interpret facial expressions and detect patient pain. The system achieved a high degree of accuracy, suggesting that it could be used to improve pain management. Similarly, a study by Lee et al. (2021) used a computer vision system to analyze heart rate variability in patients. The system detected changes in heart rate variability indicative of stress, suggesting that it could be used to monitor stress levels in real-time.

Overall, the literature suggests that computer vision and AI technologies have significant potential to improve healthcare outcomes. These technologies can improve diagnostic accuracy, monitor patient movements and activities, and analyze vital signs. In the vignette, computer vision and AI technologies monitor a baby's vital signs and detect arrhythmia in real time. This suggests that such technologies could improve the early detection and treatment of life-threatening conditions in infants, potentially saving lives.

Application in Vignette Use Case

In the vignette, AI computer vision technology monitors a baby's vital signs and detects 

arrhythmia in real time. By enabling healthcare professionals to detect and respond to life-threatening situations rapidly, this technology could save the lives of infants. Various methods exist to apply computer vision and AI technologies in this scenario.

One technique involves using sensors to track vital signs, such as heart and respiration rates, and transmitting this information to an AI system. The AI system would then analyze the data in real time, searching for patterns indicating arrhythmia or other severe conditions. If an abnormality is detected, the system could alert nearby healthcare professionals, such as Dr. Brown, in the vignette.

Another approach is to use computer vision to monitor the baby's movements and activities. As an illustration, a camera may be set up in the infant's room to monitor their breathing patterns and recognize fluctuations that could indicate arrhythmia. This approach does not require the baby to wear any sensors, which can be uncomfortable for infants.

In both approaches, the AI system could be trained using machine learning algorithms to improve its accuracy over time. For example, the system could be trained using data from many infants to enhance its ability to detect arrhythmia in real-world scenarios. The system could also be designed to learn from the feedback of healthcare professionals, such as Dr. Brown in the vignette, to improve its accuracy and effectiveness over time.

Once an abnormality is detected, the AI system could alert nearby healthcare professionals, such as Dr. Brown, in the vignette. The alert could be delivered using various methods, such as a notification on a mobile device or an augmented reality notification. This would allow healthcare professionals to respond quickly to the emergency and potentially save the infant's life.

In the vignette, healthcare professionals can respond quickly to an emergency using a combination of drones and self-driving cars. In the future, AI and computer vision technologies could also help healthcare professionals navigate to emergency locations more quickly and safely. For example, an AI system could analyze traffic patterns and road conditions to find the fastest and safest route to an emergency. The system could also provide real-time navigation guidance, similar to a GPS, to help healthcare professionals reach the location more quickly.

Overall, the use of AI and computer vision technologies in the vignette demonstrates the potential for these technologies to improve healthcare outcomes, particularly in emergencies. Healthcare professionals can respond quickly and potentially save lives by using sensors, cameras, and AI systems to monitor vital signs and detect abnormalities in real time. With further development and refinement, these technologies could become essential tools for healthcare professionals in emergencies.


AI computer vision technology has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by enabling real-time monitoring of vital signs and detecting abnormalities quickly. The vignette demonstrates how these technologies could be applied in emergencies to save lives.

The literature review showed that there had been significant research in the area of computer vision and AI for healthcare applications. Studies have shown that these technologies can improve accuracy and efficiency in diagnosis, reduce errors, and enhance patient outcomes. AI and computer vision technologies in healthcare are still early, but the potential benefits are enormous.

In the vignette, AI and computer vision technologies monitor a baby's vital signs and detect arrhythmia in real time. The AI system triggers an alert to nearby healthcare professionals, who can respond quickly to the emergency using a combination of drones and a self-driving car. This scenario demonstrates the potential for AI and computer vision technologies to improve healthcare outcomes, particularly in emergencies.

However, some challenges must be addressed before these technologies can be widely adopted in healthcare. These challenges include data privacy and security concerns, regulatory compliance, and ethical considerations. These issues must be addressed to ensure these technologies are used safely and ethically.

In conclusion, AI and computer vision technologies have enormous potential to transform healthcare by enabling real-time monitoring of vital signs and detecting abnormalities quickly. The vignette demonstrates how these technologies could be applied in emergencies to save lives. As these technologies advance, it's crucial to consider the potential risks and benefits of using them in healthcare to guarantee their safe and ethical deployment.


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